McHenry High School students and staff are honoring veterans through a variety of celebrations on Veterans Day and every day.
In the McHenry Strength area, former strength students who went on to serve the country are recognized with a permanent display on one of the TV monitors. Dr. John Beerbower, director of McHenry Strength and a PE division assistant, said the idea is to give students who serve the same recognition as student athletes who go on to play in college and/or professionally.
For Veterans Day, the strength area was decorated with flags and banners, but the display of former students plays year-round. To see the display, click here.
In social science classes throughout the day on Veterans Day, a panel of local veterans are telling students about their military service and answering questions. The annual panel event is a way for students to learn about serving the nation while honoring veterans.
Veterans Day events will conclude with MCHS Surround Sound vocal students singing the National Anthem near the end of the school day.