Blended and Digital Learning Courses
English II, III, IV Transitional English Creative Writing Best Sellers Writing and Publishing College Composition English 151/152 American Studies Rhetoric and Research AP Language and Comp. AP Literature | Chemistry Chemistry 164 Astronomy Physics Forensics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics I and II AP Environmental Science Medical Residency | US History American Studies AP US History AP US Gov't and Politics AP Comparative Gov't and Pol. Digital Citizenship and Social Media Youth and the Law Economics Sociology Psychology in the World Today AP Psychology Social Science Internship Leadership in Action |
Algebra II Intermediate Algebra College Algebra w/ Trig Honors Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC | Consumers Education (Blended and Fully Digital) Independent Living | Leadership Training Health Education |
Non-Departmental | ||
AP Studio Art Portfolio (Drawing, 2D, 3D) Honors Studio Art Portfolio Independent Studio Art Jazz Band Concert Choir | French 151/152 French 251/252 German 151/152 German 251/251 Spanish IV AP Spanish Lang. and Culture | College and Career Seminar |