CTE Teachers

Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Family and Consumer Sciences

Email: johnsonjennifer@dist156.org

Child Development

Culinary I

Melanie Kadlec

Melanie Kadlec

Family and Consumer Sciences

Email: kadlecmelanie@dist156.org

Baking and Pastry

Culinary II

Warrior Chef

Jim Nelson

Jim Nelson

Industrial Technology and Project Lead the Way

Email: nelsonjames@dist156.org



Graphic Communications Design I

Woods I

Doug Primus

Doug Primus

Project Lead the Way

Email: primusdouglas@dist156.org

Introduction to Computer Science

Dan Rohman

Dan Rohman

Assistant Division Chair

Industrial Technology

Email: rohmandaniel@dist156.org

Construction Education


Woods I

Woods II

Steven Thompson

Steven Thompson

Industrial Technology

Email: thompsonsteven@dist156.org

Manufacturing I

Manufacturing II