New aquaponics project at MCHS features microplants and fish
2022-23 Kay Club members who attended convention
MCHS hosted a regional IHSPLA powerlifting meet
Seven students won awards and five of them are competing at the IDEA state design competition
Key Club participates in Special Olympics Polar Plunge
Physics Instructor Eric Jones helps students build devices to catch falling eggs to cushion their fall
Inclusion Garden from 2022 features pledges from students
The SpongeBob Musical is coming to MCHS in March
Jeff Schroeder is the new head football coach for McHenry Community High School
Chris Moore won the Class 3A state title at 170 pounds
5Essentials survey
BLACK club members installing posters about well-known Black Americans for Black History Month
Bestselling author Erika L. Sánchez answers questions posed by Warrior Student Media's Cooper Ten Bruin on Feb. 7
Betty Heard Thompson, left, stands with Dr. Ryan McTague while being honored as a Distinguished Graduate
Author Erika Sánchez is visiting MCHS next week for Writers Week
Dr. Prickett celebrated December graduates with special breakfast
MCHS Wellness Fair on Feb. 2
Staff Member of the Month Nicole Hodges talks with her helper senior Vanessa Schroeder
MCHS Warrior yearbook for 2021-22 won several journalism awards
Logo of Academic Achievement List, which recognizes great work each semester