November 11, 2020
McHenry High School Instructor Stefanie Lukas knew in high school that she wanted to be a teacher. The only tough decision was figuring out which subject to teach.
Her studen...

November 11, 2020
McHenry High School English Instructor Leah Nolan has had quite a start to her teaching career. First, she started teaching during a global pandemic. Then, she became the f...

November 10, 2020
McHenry High School has announced the ZAPS SAT preparation program for this year. Please see the program flyer below - which includes a link to the registration form: Zaps SAT P...
November 5, 2020
When Madison Loewe of McHenry was a freshman in high school, one of the elective classes she wanted was full. So she ended up in Metals 1.
“I walked in and I was the only f...

October 12, 2020
Please see our new Hybrid Learning Plan 2.0 homepage for all information regarding the MCHS return to school. The Hybrid Learning Plan 2.0 page can be found here .

August 28, 2020
Parents, students, teachers, and administrators are all working very hard to be successful with digital learning. When technical issues occur it can be very frustrating. Here are ...

August 17, 2020
Students, if you need support with your Chromebook, or are having problems logging in, please see the following link: Technology Support for students

August 12, 2020
To make sure that all students have the means to access learning materials when away from school, MCHS has provided the following resources. We are committed to making sure that a...

July 20, 2020
Please be sure to check our Covid-19 Updates and Resources page often as we will be updating it frequently

June 22, 2020
Online registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now open. Please click on the link below to access instructions for the online registration process. Online Registration ...

May 30, 2020
Attention students!
Students - for technology support with your Chromebook, Schoology or Skyward, please see the following information:
Email Support
or phone at (815) 7...