Bus schedules are now available for students returning to school next week in the Hybrid Learning Model.
As a reminder, use the student's ID number as a username and password. You can find the ID number on your student's ID card or in Skyward under "Student Profile."
Go to https://versatransweb06.tylertech.com/mchenrysd15/elinkrp/login.aspx
Log in using your Student ID number as your USERNAME and PASSWORD.
Click on Work with Students
Click on View My Students
Click on Student Name
Please Note: The information available in this system is constantly updated, and reflects all changes in busing routes.
For the bus rides, the following procedures will be in place for everyone's safety.
- Buses are limited to 50 riders.
- Seating charts on ALL bus rides.
- Masks must be worn at all times while on bus.
- Students must certify health prior to bus entry.
- First few seats behind driver will be blocked off.
- Drivers will be wearing masks.
- Drivers will self-certify daily prior to start of shift.
- Buses are equipped with wipes for use throughout the day. Buses will be spray sanitized daily.
- Students are encouraged to avoid contact.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Department at (815) 385-6622 or email them at officetr@d15.org.