Dear Warrior Family,
Today Governor Pritzker issued an Executive Order that requires -- effective immediately -- masks to be worn indoors by all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to PreK-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.
As a result of Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order, masks will be required for all students, staff, and visitors while inside District 156 school buildings. Additionally, as per previous guidance, masks will continue to be required on District transportation.
We are reviewing the new Executive Order, along with new guidance from the ISBE, IDPH, and the McHenry County Department of Health. We will update our Return to School Plan later this week and share the revised plan with our school community.
In closing, we sincerely thank you for your patience, understanding, and commitment to prioritizing a return to full in-person learning this fall and providing a quality educational experience for all.
Thank you for your support.
Ryan McTague, Ph.D.