Despite the challenges of adjusted seasons due to a global pandemic, McHenry High School's athletics programs continue to have successful competition events.
Athletics Director Barry Burmeister said the cheer team finished third in virtual sectionals and qualified for the IHSA virtual state championships. The team ultimately placed 18th in the large school division.
"Spring" sports volleyball, football, boys soccer and water polo are finishing their seasons, and "summer" sports started on April 5. The "summer" sports that are competing are: baseball, softball. girls soccer, girls track and field, boys track and field, girls lacrosse, boys lacrosse, boys tennis and wrestling.
"We are overcoming the challenges that are presented in this unique school year of overlapping sports, sharing players and coaches, and sharing facilities," Burmeister said.
Follow McHenry Athletics on Twitter to keep up with competitions. Many sports also have their own social media pages.