Junior Course Selection

Junior Course Selection

Welcome, juniors! This is your last time picking classes for high school which means your last opportunity to explore courses before leaving MCHS.

It's important for you to keep in mind your postsecondary plans. What classes will help prepare you the most for what you want to do after high school?

Below are many resources to help you with this process. If you have any questions, make sure to reach out to your counselor.

Mrs. Amy Buchanan
11th Grade Counselor
Last Names A-Le

Mrs. Kaitlyn Schak
11th Grade Counselor
Last Names Lf-Z

Junior Course Selection Timeline

What students have to do....


Attend course selection presentation

12/18/24 during PE

Pick course placements in PowerSchool and pick electives

Beginning 1/13/25 and ending 1/20/25 by end of day.
PowerSchool will lock & juniors will not be able to make any class changes beginning on 1/21/25.

Meet with your counselor during your history class to ask any questions and review all of your classes.

Your counselor will come to your US History class one day from 1/21/25-1/31/25.

Course Selection Screencast

This screencast will show students how to pick courses in PowerSchool.

Course Planner & Elective Sheet

The course planner helps students pick the appropriate number of classes to fill a schedule.

The elective sheet lists all electives by department.

Course Selection Presentation

The presentation given by the counselors has all of your information for course selection: timeline, process, resources.

Photo of counselors talking on stage with a graduation requirements slide in the background.


Your Schoology course "Next Step Resources" has everything you will need for course selection: forms, videos, postsecondary planning tools, contacts, etc.

Looking Forward MCHS logo

Curriculum Guide

The MCHS Curriculum Guide is a comprehensive guide of all classes offered at MCHS and their course descriptions.

Screenshot of curriculum guide

Summer School

Summer School registration will open January 27, 2025.

Summer School logo with illustrated book and McHenry Community High School logo in the middle of the book

Level Change Request Form

If you would like to request a different level of a course (example: Honors English II v. English II) fill out the level change form no later than 1/31/25.

Small screenshot of parent/guardian level change request 24-25

MCHS Courses by Cluster

It is important that you take classes that align to your postsecondary goals & career clusters of interest. The MCHS Career Clusters & Pathways Guide lists MCHS courses for each career cluster.

Small screenshot of chart of career clusters