Fee Waivers

Fee Waivers

Agatha Walter
Finance Office Assistant
Phone: (815) 385-7900 x 2268
Email: walteragatha@dist156.org

Julia Pontarelli, Ed.D., CSBO
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Personnel
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (815) 385-7900 x 2260
Email: pontarellijulia@dist156.org

Families needing assistance with school fees due to financial hardship may applay for a Student Fee Waiver each school year. 

How to Apply for a Fee Waiver?
To determine if your family is eligible for a waiver of school fees for the current school year, please complete the application form and return it along with the required supporting documents. 

What do school fees cover?
School fees may include: registration fees, PE uniform (only once), Driver’s Education fees during the school year (Summer Driver’s Ed fees are not applicable), Athletic Fees, and certain school courses. Please note, school fees do not include: regular school supplies, library fines, replacement for lost or damaged items, yearbooks, pictures, and admission charges for dances, athletic events, or other social events.