Building for the Future
In 2019, construction crews broke ground to start the construction of the 70,000-square-foot Center for Science, Technology and Industry at the former West Campus, now Upper Campus.
While that is the biggest building project in recent years, it isn't the only one. Substantial renovation also went on at the former East Campus, which is now the Freshman Campus. Also, McCracken Field underwent a multi-phase project to update lighting, improve drainage and upgrade the athletic fields.
Read on to see the highlights from 2020 and 2019 summer construction seasons.
New classroom unit ventilators and ductwork
New LED lighting
New HVAC chillers
New building automation system
New Lil' Warriors preschool room
Four new stadium lights to replace eight old lights
New drain tiles behind home bleachers to improve drainage
Pave limestone paths
MCHS Construction News Aug. 31, 2020
MCHS Construction News July 22, 2020
The following is a list of projects completed in 2019.
East Campus (Now Freshman) - Capital Projects
Installation of new Geothermal HVAC System in all Classrooms and Offices
New Classroom Ceilings and Ducted Vents
New Interior and Exterior LED Lighting throughout the Building
New Classroom Flooring
New Building Automation System (BAS) & Commissioning on all Equipment
New Roofing & Roof Top HVAC Units
West Campus (Now Upper)- Capital Projects
Complete West Campus Pool Project - Interior Tile replacement for Pool and Deck (HVAC and Filtration System were replaced last summer)
Construction of new Parking Lot (next to South Lot) 200+ spaces
Begin Foundation Work for New Building Extension on the North Side of the Building
Construction of Upper Campus Building Extension (Center for Science Technology and Industry) continued throughout the 2019-2020 school year. The extension opened in January (2nd Semester) of 2021 and was dedicated August 5, 2021. The campus transition to Freshmen Campus at East and 10th-12th Grade Campus at West began with the Fall 2021 school year.