Distinguished Graduate McHenry Community High School

Distinguished Graduate

The Distinguished Graduate Program was established in 1981 as a partnership between the MCHS Education Foundation and McHenry High School. Each year, a committee of staff, students, parents, alumni, and community representatives selects the Distinguished Graduate(s) from a pool of nominations from the community.

To be considered for the award, nominees must be graduates of McHenry High School and be out of high school for at least 15 years. The Distinguished Graduate selection committee members are looking for graduates who represent the following six criteria:

  • Sphere of influence

  • Success in chosen field

  • Making a positive impact on the community

  • Overcoming difficulties to reach goals

  • Serving humanity

  • Inspiring others

Those chosen as Distinguished Graduates are honored with a plaque featuring a photo and listing of accomplishments. The history of our Distinguished Graduates will be displayed in our school buildings and our district website.

McHenry Community High School 

Hall of Distinguished Graduates

Thomas Bolger
Class of 1902

Dr. William Nye
Class of 1925

John Albin Anderson
Class of 1926

Adele Froehlich
Class of 1936

Howard Phalin
Class of 1921

Harold "Zeke" Bacon
Class of 1925

Edward "Ted" Frett
Class of 1961

Earl Walsh
Class of 1923

Sandra Jones Bender
Class of 1960

Loretto Walsh
Class of 1892

Kenneth Boley
Class of 1931

James Althoff
Class of 1946

Guy Duker
Class of 1934

John Kirwin Davis
Class of 1963

Thomas F. Bolger
Class of 1942

Randall Hughes
Class of 1961

Lambert Ben Freund
Class of 1960

Dennis Welter
Class of 1961

Richard Vycital
Class of 1935

Michael McEvoy
Class of 1965

Michael Reese
Class of 1961

Charles Martin
Class of 1945

James Benson
Class of 1964

Donald Doherty
Class of 1945

Gary V. Adams
Class of 1961

Dr. Timothy Wilt
Class of 1974

Harold May
Class of 1962

Stephen Buss
Class of 1974

Robert Doran
Class of 1965

Robert English
Class of 1961

Chris Bennett
Class of 1962

Phil Bartmann
Class of 1961

Steve Cuda
Class of 1971

John J. Smith
Class of 1970

Keith A. Belzer
Class of 1981

Roger R. Garbacz
Class of 1978

Gary Lockwood
Class of 1965

Kimberly J. Davis
Class of 1968

Nancy J. Fike
Class of 1960

Roger W. Svoboda
Class of 1950

Thomas E. Carlson
Class of 1965

James E. Meeker
Class of 1965

Charles P. Miller
Class of 1964

Maureen Christine
Class of 1984

Michael Bazan
Class of 1976

Bill Hobson
Class of 1992

Robert A. Jessup
Class of 1987

David Lawson
Class of 1974