31 North Banquets and Catering

McHenry Community High School Alumni Association Our Hearts Brave and True Graduation Cap

Best of the Fox 2021 Northwest Herald Choice Awards Representing McHenry County

Application to Scholarship

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MCHS Alumni Association Scholarship Committee:

Patrice Frederick 

Erin Harris

JR Bocian

Michelle Stanton

Becca Adams

Beth Staley

MCHS Alumni Association Scholarship

Presented by 31 North Banquets and Catering

The MCHS Alumni Association Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that the MCHS Alumni and 31 North Banquets & Catering have teamed up to create the MCHS Alumni Association Scholarship for graduating Seniors from District 156!  

31 North is providing $1000 funding for this Scholarship and will also be donating 5% of any menu item ordered in connection with District 156 (faculty catering, sports banquets, award dinners, etc.) and 3% of any menu item ordered for social events by any District 156 staff, student, or Alumni (Weddings, Baby/Bridal Showers, family events, etc.) to extend the scholarship. 

Application open: Monday, January 29, 2024

Application closes: Friday, March 15, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Contact 31 North

31 North Business Card Banquets and Catering Banquets-Catering-Bar Service Bernice and Jim Smith 815-244-0330 bernice@31northbanquets.com 217 Front St (Rt 31) McHenry, IL 60050 QR code for https://31northbanquets.com/

31 North Banquet Hall

MCHS Alumni Association Scholarship Application

Presented by 31 North Banquets and Catering


Two scholarships of at least $500 will be awarded to honor MCHS Warrior graduates who exemplify what it means to be a Warrior, during high school and beyond.


- Minimum GPA 2.8 cumulative


- Complete an essay on the topic/question listed below

- Complete an alumni profile (https://bit.ly/MCHSalumniprofile)


Monetary Award to be given on or after the annual Senior Honors Night in May.

 31 North Banquets and Catering will be offering this each year and will be adding to the annual amount for services provided from any of our groups or individuals personally if you mention the Alumni Association scholarship. 

 31 North will increase the Scholarship pool by 5% of the menu price for any order directly connected with District 156 (faculty catering, sports banquets, award dinners, etc.) – Must mention at the time of booking

31 North will increase the Scholarship pool by 3% of any menu item ordered for social events by any District 156 staff, student, or Alumni (Weddings, Baby/Bridal Showers, family events, etc.) – Must mention at the time of booking